Interface Summary | |
ActionProvider | Defines the requirements for classes that provide actions. |
DirectoryProvider | Defines the requirements for classes that provide selection of a
File object that is a directory. |
FileProvider | Defines the requirements for classes that provide a selection of
File objects. |
PeerProvider | Defines the requirements for classes that provide selection of
Peer objects. |
SearchOptionsPanel | |
SettingsPanel | Defines the requirements for panels that are shown in the wizard or preferences dialog. |
TransferProvider | Defines the requirements for classes that provide selection of
Transfer objects. |
Class Summary | |
AboutDialog | XNap's About dialog. |
AbstractPreferencesDialog | Provides an abstract preferences dialog. |
AbstractSettingsPanel | Provides the default implementation for a settings panel. |
AdvancedSearchQueryPanel | This class provides a panel with widgets to enter search queries and to set search options. |
ChannelPanel | Provides a panel that handles a chat Channel . |
ChatPane | Provides a JTextPane that displays chat messages. |
ChatPanel | Provides a CloseableTabbedPane that displays the ChatProviderPanel and a ChannelPanel for each joined channels
as tabs. |
ChatProviderPanel | |
ConsoleDialog | |
ConsolePane | This class provides a simple text console that can be used for logging. |
DebugPanel | |
DefaultPrefsWizardDialog | |
Dialogs | Provides a set of static methods to display common dialogs. |
Dialogs.NotificationDialog | This class provides a notification dialog with a do not show again option. |
ErrorDialog | |
ErrorHandler | |
FeedbackWizardDialog | The feedback dialog. |
HelpDialog | XNap's help dialog. |
HotlistPanel | |
LibraryPanel | |
MainMenuBar | The MainToolBar is shown at the top of the main application window. |
MainToolBar | The MainToolBar is shown at the top of the main application window. |
Messages | Provides a set of static strings used to explain certain issues. |
PluginInfoPanel | |
PluginPreferencesDialog | Provides the plugin preferences dialog. |
PreferencesDialog | Provides the global preferences dialog. |
PresenceStatusPanel | |
SearchPanel | This class provides a search input panel and tabbed pane that contains
SearchResultPanel objects. |
SearchResultPanel | This class provides a panel with a JTreeTable that displays
search results. |
SearchResultTreePanel | |
SimpleSearchQueryPanel | This class provides a panel with widgets to enter search queries and to set a few search options. |
SplashWindow | Displays a splash window in the center of the screen when XNap's gui is launched. |
SplashWindow.CloseRunner | |
StartupWizardDialog | |
StatusBar | The StatusBar is used to display status messages at the bottom of XNapFrame . |
StatusPanel | Provides a little panel that can dock into the status bar. |
TransferManagerPanel | |
TransferPanel | |
TransferSettingsPanel | Provides a simple panel with transfer limit and throttle settings. |
TransferStatusPanel | |
UploadSettingsPanel | Provides a simple panel with transfer limit and throttle settings. |
XNapFrame |
Provides interfaces and classes for the graphical user interface.