Package org.xnap.gui

Provides interfaces and classes for the graphical user interface.


Interface Summary
ActionProvider Defines the requirements for classes that provide actions.
DirectoryProvider Defines the requirements for classes that provide selection of a File object that is a directory.
FileProvider Defines the requirements for classes that provide a selection of File objects.
PeerProvider Defines the requirements for classes that provide selection of Peer objects.
SettingsPanel Defines the requirements for panels that are shown in the wizard or preferences dialog.
TransferProvider Defines the requirements for classes that provide selection of Transfer objects.

Class Summary
AboutDialog XNap's About dialog.
AbstractPreferencesDialog Provides an abstract preferences dialog.
AbstractSettingsPanel Provides the default implementation for a settings panel.
AdvancedSearchQueryPanel This class provides a panel with widgets to enter search queries and to set search options.
ChannelPanel Provides a panel that handles a chat Channel.
ChatPane Provides a JTextPane that displays chat messages.
ChatPanel Provides a CloseableTabbedPane that displays the ChatProviderPanel and a ChannelPanel for each joined channels as tabs.
ConsolePane This class provides a simple text console that can be used for logging.
Dialogs Provides a set of static methods to display common dialogs.
Dialogs.NotificationDialog This class provides a notification dialog with a do not show again option.
FeedbackWizardDialog The feedback dialog.
HelpDialog XNap's help dialog.
MainMenuBar The MainToolBar is shown at the top of the main application window.
MainToolBar The MainToolBar is shown at the top of the main application window.
Messages Provides a set of static strings used to explain certain issues.
PluginPreferencesDialog Provides the plugin preferences dialog.
PreferencesDialog Provides the global preferences dialog.
SearchPanel This class provides a search input panel and tabbed pane that contains SearchResultPanel objects.
SearchResultPanel This class provides a panel with a JTreeTable that displays search results.
SimpleSearchQueryPanel This class provides a panel with widgets to enter search queries and to set a few search options.
SplashWindow Displays a splash window in the center of the screen when XNap's gui is launched.
StatusBar The StatusBar is used to display status messages at the bottom of XNapFrame.
StatusPanel Provides a little panel that can dock into the status bar.
TransferSettingsPanel Provides a simple panel with transfer limit and throttle settings.
UploadSettingsPanel Provides a simple panel with transfer limit and throttle settings.

Package org.xnap.gui Description

Provides interfaces and classes for the graphical user interface.

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