Package org.xnap.util

Provides common utility and preferences classes.


Interface Summary
PreferencesProvider Defines the requirements for classes that provide preferences support for tables.
TablePreferencesProvider Defines the requirements for classes that provide preferences support for tables.
UncaughtExceptionListener The listener interface for receiving uncaught exceptions.
Validator Defines the requirements for classes that can validate input.

Class Summary
AbstractPluginPreferences This class acts as a wraper for the Preferences class.
AbstractPreferences This class provides a default implementation for a preferences framework.
AbstractStateMachine Provides an abstract state machine.
Debug This class acts as a controller for the log4j logging framework.
FileHelper Provides a set of static methods that help with file manipulation.
Formatter Helper class providing static methods for formatting different number and date formats.
LinkType Provides a mapping between connection speed and common internet acces hardware.
MultiHashtable Provides a 1:n Hashtable.
PortRange Provides a data container for port ranges.
PortRange.IntIterator An iterator over Integer objects.
Preferences Provides access to the global settings.
PriorityQueue A list of Object objects that is sorted descending by priority.
Progress Represents the progress of a transfer.
QuotedStringTokenizer Provides a string tokenizer that respects quotes.
Range Provides a simple range that is bounded by a start and end value.
Scheduler Provides a single thread scheduler for maintenance tasks.
Scheduler.SimpleTimerTask Provides a simple timer task that executes a runnable.
State Represents a state of a FiniteStateMachine.
StringHelper Provides a set of static methods that help with string parsing and modifying.
VersionParser This class can parse an XNap version string.
XNapTask Provides a task that captures exceptions.
XNapThreadGroup The root thread group.
ZipFileClassLoader Provides a class loader that can load classes from zip files.

Exception Summary
IllegalOperationException Exception that is thrown if an illegal state transition is attempted.

Package org.xnap.util Description

Provides common utility and preferences classes.

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