Interface Completable

All Known Implementing Classes:
HistoryComboBox, XNapTextField

public interface Completable

Classes implementing this interface can be adorned with a CompletionModeMenu or a TextFieldMenu which has a CompletionModeMenu as a submenu.

Method Summary
 CompletionMode getCompletionMode()
          Returns the currently set completion mode.
 CompletionModel getCompletionModel()
          Returns the currently used completion model.
 javax.swing.text.JTextComponent getTextComponent()
          Returns the text component the completion mode should operate on.
 void setCompletionMode(java.lang.String mode)
          Sets the completion mode to one of the modes provided by the CompletionModeFactory.
 void setCompletionModel(CompletionModel model)
          Sets the completion model.

Method Detail


void setCompletionMode(java.lang.String mode)
Sets the completion mode to one of the modes provided by the CompletionModeFactory.

mode - the unique id of the completion mode


CompletionMode getCompletionMode()
Returns the currently set completion mode.


void setCompletionModel(CompletionModel model)
Sets the completion model.


CompletionModel getCompletionModel()
Returns the currently used completion model.


javax.swing.text.JTextComponent getTextComponent()
Returns the text component the completion mode should operate on.

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