Package org.xnap.gui.component

Provides generic Swing based components that provide additional functionality.


Interface Summary
Completable Classes implementing this interface can be adorned with a CompletionModeMenu or a TextFieldMenu which has a CompletionModeMenu as a submenu.
ProgressMonitor Defines the requirements for classes that monitor operations to display user visible feedback.

Class Summary
AbstractListPanel This class provides a JList of Strings and a add and remove button.
CloseableTabbedPane Provides a JTabbedPane with close icons in the tab titles.
ColorPanel Provides a panel that displays a JComboBox with predefined colors and a button that can launch a JColorChooser.
CompletionMode This class handles the way completion is actually done.
CompletionPopup This class presents completed objects in a popup menu below a JTextComponent.
DefaultCompletionModel The DefaultComboBoxModel uses a ternary search tree for completion.
DefaultDialog This class provides a default implementation for a dialog.
DirectoryChooser Provides a dialog with a JTree that contains the local directory structure for directory selection.
DirectoryList This class provides a DirectoryPanel for directory selection.
DirectoryPanel This class provides a JTextField that displays a directory and button that can launch a JFileChooser dialog or a DirectoryChooser dialog to select a directory.
DocumentAdapter An abstract adapter class for receiving document events.
DropDownListCompletionMode Uses a CompletionPopup to present its completions to the user.
EraseButton This class provides a button that can erase the text of a JTextField.
FileCompletionModel This class provides completion for path prefixes on the local file system.
FilePanel Provides a panel with a JTextField and a button for file selection.
FontChooserDialog This class provides a font chooser dialog.
FontPanel Provides a panel that displays a font name and a button that can launch a FontChooserDialog.
FontSelectionPanel A component which allows a user to select a font.
FontSelectionPanel.FontStyleList Represents a list of the four font styles: plain, bold, italic, and bold italic
FontSelectionPanel.ListCellRenderer An implementation of ListCellRenderer which right justifies all cells.
FontSelectionPanel.PhraseCanvas Component for displaying a "phrase" (a brief, one or two word String) using a particular font & a particular color.
FontSelectionPanel.PublicChangeObservable Subclass of Observable which allows public access to the setChanged() method.
HistoryComboBox Provides a JComboBox with auto completion and a history.
HistoryTextField Provides a text field with a history.
HTMLEditorPane Provides a pane with html support.
IconSplitPane This class provides a tabbed pane like behaving widget.
MultiLineLabel This class uses a JTextArea to simulate a JLabel that allows multiple-line labels.
PortPanel Provides a panel with a JTextField and a button for file selection.
ProgressMonitorAdapter Provides a progress monitor that does nothing.
RangeBox This class provides a box with a combo box selector and a number input field for a minimum value and maximum value.
TextProgressMonitor Provides a text based progress monitor.
ToggleableIconPane Provides a container that can display multiple panels.
ValidatedTextField ValidatedTextField is a subclass of JTextField that validates input as its typed into the field.
XNapButton This class provides a button with an appropriate sized icon.
XNapCheckBox This class provides a menu item with an appropriate sized icon.
XNapCheckBoxMenuItem This class provides a menu item with an appropriate sized icon.
XNapMenu This class provides a menu button with an appropriate sized icon.
XNapMenuItem This class provides a menu item with an appropriate sized icon.
XNapTextField Extends JTextField's functionality enabling basic completion for input.
XNapToggleButton This class provides a toolbar button with an appropriate sized icon.
XNapToolBarButton This class provides a toolbar button with an appropriate sized icon.
XNapToolBarToggleButton This class provides a toolbar button with an appropriate sized icon.

Exception Summary
FontSelectionPanel.InvalidFontException Indicates that an invalid font is currently specified
FontSelectionPanel.InvalidFontSizeException Indicates that an invalid font size is currently specified
FontSelectionPanel.NoFontFamilySelectedException Indicates that no font family is currently selected
FontSelectionPanel.NoFontSizeSpecifiedException Indicates that no font size is currently specified
FontSelectionPanel.NoFontStyleSelectedException Indicates that no font style is currently selected

Package org.xnap.gui.component Description

Provides generic Swing based components that provide additional functionality.

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